Cooplands open Orchard Cafe in Dundas Shopping Centre, Middlesbrough
30 May 2012 Dodds Brown have completed letting of 3,500 sq.ft of 1st floor space within Dundas Shopping Centre to Cooplands & Sons (Scarborough) Limited.
The Scarborough based bakery chain opened the café in May this year under the Cooplands Orchard Café brand. This follows on from Cooplands initially taking a prominent ground floor corner unit within the centre 2 years ago.
Richard Wilson from Dodds Brown, managing and letting agents of the centre, commented:-
“This is an excellent solution for what was unused vacant 1st floor space with poor access. By combining the café with their ground floor bakery shop, Cooplands have incorporated a new entrance, including lift access and the Orchard Café now provides a real draw for shoppers in the town centre."